If you are looking for a fish finder which is ideal for kayak fishing allowing you to mount your fish finder with your kayak and also allows you explore different new places for fishing, then you can look for HawkEye FT1PXC Fishtrax Fish Finder with HD Color Virtuview Display. Hawkeye fish finder fish finder also gives you many other varieties facilities to enjoy your fishing which are given below:

Dual-Frequency: Hawkeye fish finderfish finder can be used both in a deep or shallow water by using its' a dual-frequency for fishing. It is the FishTrax Intelligent Sonar which picks up the movements of the fish quickly and easily.The sonar can send and receive signals to the transducer and gives off accurate readings. Tracking the movements of fish will allow you better preparation and accurate readings to the right spot. Even if you aren't close to the fish or the fish aren’t close the boat, the sonar will pick up the signals from the fish or near to your kayak.
Useful for fisherman: HawkEye FT1PXC Fishtrax Fish Finder with HD Color Virtuview Display is useful for fisherman who wants the high-definition fishing capability because it has a full-color, high-definition VirtuView TFTN display in addition to 3 functional modules: The Fish Finder, Data, and Ice-Mode Digital Flasher.
VirtuView Dot Matrix LCD: It features a VirtuView Dot Matrix LCD which can be used to display natural sonar data.This is a system that is used for the detection of the objects under water and for measuring the waters' depth by emitting sound pluses and detection or measuring their return after being reflected.
Fish Target program: This program is designed to show fish as icons with numeric depth details. You can understand the depth of the location of the fish and proceed likewise. Through this program you can locate the existence of the fish around you.
The audible fish alarm: It signals the presence of fish and also lets you continue to fishing without having to constantly check the VirtuView ICON Display.
Color Display: The VirtuView HD color display is convenient to read and map out the area where you’re fishing in.Because if this color display you can have an idea of the depths that are easy to read even in the bright sunlight. Many fisherman can't track the area where he is fishing because they couldn’t read the display as it is not colored one.So the feature of color display is very much conductive to a new area.
Ice-Mode: The ice-mode digital flasher portrayal assists you to tune the display. You can customize the display by using the digital flasher for sensitivity. You can find the best fishing spot in a lake or open water by following the reading on display.For icey fishing, you will have limited space where it will be used for ice fishing.
Depth Identifier: The depth identifier will help you to find out the deepth of the water while giving off the positions of the fish. You don't have to waste your time on guessing the deepth level.Because the depth identifier will allow you to change your fishing routine and help you to find the best fishing spot. This depth identifier is bright on display in an easy to read format mode. Whenever you want to shift your focus of finding, the depth finder will give you much satisfaction.
Versatile Mount: The portable versatile mount gives you the opportunity to take it anywhere you want to fish. When you can take the fish finder anywhere with you, you can catch more fish. You can mount the fish finder directly to your boat. Having a fish finder with a versatile mount allows you to play various fishing games such as ice fishing, kayak fishing, or sitting in a boat.
Additional offerings: Hawkeye fish finder additionally combines auto switching; dual-beam FishTrax Intelligent Sonar along with a 10 level acuteness modification, various level depth ranges, and auto zoom base tracking that strengthens prey targeting.
Poor quality of battery: The battery life is dismal. Hawkeye portable fish finder unit would deplete a set of batteries every day after 8-12 hours fishing.It uses 4 AAA batteries. One user complaint that he mounted it on his kayak. Put the kayak in the pond to test it out and it got wet. 2 days later he took it out of the case purchased for it and noticed rust around the battery compartment cover. Here moved cover and seen the batteries where wet and rusty looking. He even dried the unit out and installed new batteries. He again hit power button it came on and turned off.
Solution: You can keep it and add (make) an external battery pack with AA size batteries to it to increase the battery life.You may not have the screw tight for the battery compartment and the unit is not water resistant only splash proof. So beware about not using it in the rain or near water because your chances are real good of getting it wet. There is no seal around battery compartment door and you may not have the screw tight.
Final Verdict
HawkEye FT1PXC Fishtrax Fish Finder with HD Color Virtuview Display is best recommend for its feature.This feature allows to find out more fishes at once even from hidden places under the water. Because of its duel frequency option you can have fishing both in shallow or deep water. The audible depth identifier uses alarm to alert you about upcoming fish around you.In short this hawkeye fish finder will enhance the enjoyment of your fishing experience more than ever. fish detection